Big Apricot Productions TOC - Big Apricot - a Fanfiction Forum en-us Big Apricot - a Fanfiction Forum Wed, 12 Feb 2025 07:09:30 GMT YaBB 2.7.00 Revision: 2044 30 Man of Steel Woman of... by Marcus Rowland Big Apricot - a Fanfiction Forum/toc3 Thu, 21 Aug 2008 03:27:29 GMT <i>(You need to <a href=";sesredir=action~RSSboard"><b><i>Login</i></b></a></i><i> or <a href=""><b><i>Register</i></b></a></i><i> to view media files and links)</i> <br /> How to make a TOC Big Apricot - a Fanfiction Forum/toc3 Mon, 18 Aug 2008 14:23:55 GMT Why should I create a TOC for my work?<br /><br />Well, a few reasons come to mind. <br /><br />For the author they can be useful because they allow viewers  to find <b>your</b> work. (And, having found it, hopefully provide comments or feedback). Artists always like gaining viewers.  <img rel=";&#45;&#41;" src="" alt="Cheesy" title="Cheesy" /> For viewers...well, see the previous answer. <br /><br /> that you're convinced that every good artist needs a TOC,  how do you make one? Couldn't be easier!<br /><br />First:<br /><br />1. Open two browser windows, with these boards in each one.<br />2. In one window, find the first part of your story.<br />3. In the second, go to the TOC folder and start a new topic - Title TOC.<br />4. From the story page, select and copy the URL of your story segment - the information contained in the Address part of your browser. (Ctrl-C is the Windows keyboard command if you can't right-click on your mouse). <br /><br />There are two ways to proceed from here. You can:<br /><br />1. Click on the 'Insert Hyperlink" button  <i>(You need to <a href=";sesredir=action~RSSboard"><b><i>Login</i></b></a></i><i> or <a href=""><b><i>Register</i></b></a></i><i> to view media files and links)</i>. Paste the URL  between the brackets <br /> ***Go to Post to see Code*** <br /><br />However, if you'd like fancier formatting, in which the text which appears reads 'Part X' and the reader clicks on that to get to the story, (otherwise known as a hyperlink) the instructions are almost as simple.<br /><br />1. Click 'Insert Hyperlink'  <i>(You need to <a href=";sesredir=action~RSSboard"><b><i>Login</i></b></a></i><i> or <a href=""><b><i>Register</i></b></a></i><i> to view media files and links)</i>then<br /> ***Go to Post to see Code*** <br />That's it. No spaces anywhere in the code. And when you post, it should come out as mine do. Do add links to each comments folder too - many readers who come late to a story do like to read back on the comments, which is often as much fun as reading the story. So make it easy for them to find them with a comments folder link for each story part. They'll appreciate it.  <img rel=";&#45;&#41;" src="" alt="Smiley" title="Smiley" /><br /><br />2. And then simply include the hyperlink to your TOC at the top of every story post.<br /><br />Do remember to update your TOC regularly with each new story part and comments folder you post. Updating couldn't be simpler. Just hit the <b>modify button</b> on the header of your TOC post and add in the new links as you go.<br /><br />If you have any other questions about how to make a TOC, or are having problems, do just mail the moderator of this folder using the email link provided.  <img rel=";&#45;&#41;" src="" alt="Smiley" title="Smiley" /><br /><br />